Forward Messages


Security Configuration

The device must have the appropriate whitelists configured in order to allow message forwarding.

Meshblu will automatically call a webhook for every message sent to a device with webhook forwarders enabled. Meshblu supports request style options. The body of the HTTP request will contain the message.

Webhook Forwarders Types:

  • broadcast.received: forward broadcast messages received from other devices
  • broadcast.sent: forward broadcast messages sent from the current device
  • configure.received: forward config messages received from other devices
  • configure.sent: forward configure messages sent from the current device
  • message.received: forward messages received from other devices
  • message.sent: forward messages sent by the current device
  • unregister.received: forward the final device state from the current device before deleting
  • unregister.sent: forward the final device state from other devices before deleting
  "meshblu": {
    "forwarders": {
      "version": "2.0.0",
      "message": {
				"sent": [
      			"type": "webhook",
          	"url": "",
          	"method": "POST"

Signed Requests

To ensure that you are receiving an authorized webhook, you may use the HTTP Signature Scheme. You can verify the request without contacting Meshblu to verify it's authenticity.

  "meshblu": {
    "forwarders": {
      "version": "2.0.0",
      "message": {
        "sent":     [
            "type": "webhook",
            "url": "",
            "method": "POST",
            "signRequest": true

The web service will receive an HTTP request with the following headers:

Date: Tue, 17 May 2016 23:44:37 GMT
X-Meshblu-Uuid: 92b50770-203f-4e4a-8b00-1c33ef2be792
X-Meshblu-Message-Type: message.sent
Authorization: Signature keyId="meshblu-webhook-key",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="date X-MESHBLU-UUID",signature="g/1Hd1jfjnKEW1ZoHqtJIX2jnAxu350zhBPbPjKr0uOKRuRpeAtuwsxycI2H3/aSZUuBJURGvHQe3h67IGdynYzD1NqNHKeHZi6w8Z+CuDzAECw8k59ZSEsv4YlZzUtJN1WXT0DdITgVjohhj14Otj0k4txpfOqvPRtlI3OwEg4J8fU0RP/snBbypdrJHFcNuNP7143bND/Ga9VzAS4Ytv2a3WGdgvK95cqDri+tNrlzPxmlm0PWyxeOkxIgW7MxQ364jInlKHSYy/lVUkcEZ35GKdAQn6vAHkA+ei3lVSpxYGJfWMc9Tgz23yyiMdHrfnsnuf0qnkz4Tk3XNsPatw=="
X-Request-Id: ac483b2d-f9fb-4d53-a87a-9d891bd003f8

The Authorization header contains a signature that can be verified using the Meshblu public key. The X-MESHBLU-UUID header is part of the signature, so you can trust that the UUID has not been modified.

Forward Meshblu Credentials

Generate a a Meshblu token and send it to the webhook. Sent as an HTTP header Authorization: Bearer <base64 encoded string>. The token will only be valid until the recipient of the Webhook responds to the HTTP request.


Security Warning

The Bearer token will allow the recipient to access and modify your meshblu device. When the request has finished, the token will be removed.


unregister.sent and unregister.received

Do not use this option for unregister.sent and unregister.received. The device will not exist when the credentials are used and will immediately fail.

  "meshblu": {
    "forwarders": {
      "version": "2.0.0",
      "message": {
				"sent": [
    	  		"type": "webhook",
      	    "url": "",
            "method": "POST",
            "generateAndForwardMeshbluCredentials": true

The web service will receive an HTTP request with the following headers.

Date: Tue, 17 May 2016 23:44:37 GMT
X-Meshblu-Uuid: 92b50770-203f-4e4a-8b00-1c33ef2be792
X-Meshblu-Message-Type: message.sent
Authorization: Bearer ZWViMmQ0ZjktMzYwYS00NDFjLTgwZjItZjY0OWNiZWI1ZmU3OmE2OGZjMTRjZGY4YzhmNGQzNWJkY2E1MDMwNDIyYjVkNTQyNzk0NTc=
X-Request-Id: ac483b2d-f9fb-4d53-a87a-9d891bd003f8