This page will quickly get you started with your own Meshblu instance.

While it is not necessary to run your own instance of Meshblu to take advantage of our publicly hosted instance, you may choose to do so for your own security reasons.

This quick start is meant to simply give you a very light introduction to Meshblu.

For a more detailed guide on running your own Meshblu, navigate to the github repository.

To begin, you will need to open a terminal, clone Meshblu and install dependencies:

git clone
cd meshblu
npm install

To see all available options when running your Meshblu instance:

node command.js --help

Now you can run your instance of Meshblu:

node command.js \
  --private-key-base64 '...' \
  --public-key-base64 '...' \
  --pepper 'some-other-random-string' \
  --meshblu-http-port 3000

You can use the script as an example of how to start an instance.

Now, once you have your Meshblu running, check to make sure:

curl http://localhost:3000/status