Meshblu also offers a command line utility!
Start by:
npm install -g meshblu-util
To generate a public/private keypair, update meshblu.json with the private key, and publish the public key, run:
$ meshblu-util keygen meshblu.json
To learn more about the functionality of the meshblu-util tool, use:
$ meshblu-util --help
Usage: meshblu-util [options] [command]
claim claim Meshblu device in Octoblu
subscription-create Create a device subscription
subscription-delete Delete a device subscription
subscription-list List a device's subscription
create-hook Create a message hook
firehose Connect to the firehose!
generate-token generate and store token
get retrieve a device using a meshblu.json
keygen generate public/private keypair, update
meshblu.json with the private key,
and publish the public key
message send a message with Meshblu
online check if Meshblu device is online
register register a new device with Meshblu
revoke-token revoke token from device
server-check check if Meshblu server is available
search search for devices
subscribe subscribe to messages to a Meshblu Device
update update an existing device in Meshblu
gateblu-shadow-sync synchronize a gateblu and it's shadows
help [cmd] display help for [cmd]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number